Okay everytime that I have met someone famous, I was wearing my pink pants! I really belive that they are lucky after my experience at the Honor Society concert at Martini Ranch in Scottsdale March 31,2010. On my birthday (March 26) I found out that I won a pass for the soundcheck party and meet n greet! I was sooo excited!! I decided to wear my pink pants because I met Honor Society with them and Alex from HS twice, Nick Jonas, Garbo(JB's bass player) and Jack Lawless(JB's drummer). When me and my friend Taylor were waiting in line for the soundcheck, Kat (HS's tour manager?) was coming around making sure everyones names were on the list. When she got to me she was like Jenna..are you shy? I told her that sometimes I am and not really. Then she asked me if I wanted to go on stage with them. I told her YESSS of course! I could not stop smiling! I was soo nervous in a good way! When we all got in, they played some songs and answered some questions and before they were done answering questions Kat came and got me. She told me that I was going to be working with Alex and Jason. I could not stop smiling. And she asked if I had someone video taping for me and Taylor was! :) Then Andrew asked what my name was and invited me on stage I got to hug them all but before Michael Bruno hugged me, he told me that he liked my pants!! haha Then Alex was explaining what I had to do and I had to say my name into the microphone on the keyboard. They included my name into their song "where are you now" I could not stop laighung and Alex kept smiling at me! Michael bruno had to stop singing because he was laughing! I have a video and will try to post it somewhere!! or just go to http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=khIowYj9DOg After I got back to the audience they played another song called "when I get home" and when towards the end michael bruno sang.."I'm coming home..Jenna." And they all smiled! haha I could not stop smiling once again!! After that we got to take a picture with them. The pictures are at the top!! When I got to them Michael was like hey jenna! J-j-j-jenna! and they were all hey jenna! haha After the picture Michael commented on my watch saying that he liked it! They are the best! After all that we went to wait in line. We made new friends, Britney and Melissa! Right before we got to go in our friends Alana and Val got there! (JBF) The concert was so much fun and went by way too fast!! When it was over we bought some HS merch and we got to go meet them again! I was nervous because last time Andrew told me that he saw me rocking out and all I could say was yeah.. I saw you too! haha Embarassing, I know. But this time i had nothing for them to sign except my new HS shirt and a pack of gum..and thats what I told Andrew. He laughed and told me that they had pictures to sign. Once again I embarass myself in front of him! haha oh well! When I got to Michael and Alex they were like Jenna! and asked me how I was and kept smiling! Then Alex turned to Ashlyne Huff(she opened for them) and told her that I was the star of the soundcheck today! haha They totally made my day!! That was one of the BEST days ever thanks to my LUCKY PINK PANTS!!