As you may know..i kind of love the Jonas brothers... :)and in January my friends(my JBF:Jonas Brother Family..) and i went to California to go to the Nick Jonas & the Administration concert. (Nick Jonas did a side project which was a solo album and he went on a mini tour..don't worry JB is still together. ha ha) Anyways we found out where a Jonas brothers house was and of course we wanted to go see it in person. So with help from one of our friends that lives in Cali, we found it. And we found out from some girls that were waiting down the street from the house that it is Nick Jonas and his mom and dad that live there and that he drives a big black truck. So we just drove by the house to look at it and right when we were gonna drive away..we see a big black truck. We were all like oh my gosh it can't be!! And was NICK JONAS! ha ha we had to stop so he could get in his drive way..he smiled and waved at us. That just made our day that we saw a JONAS in person! So we drive to the side of the road and freak out. After that we decide to drive by the house one more time to get a picture of it. As we drive up to a stop sign..there is the big black truck again and it pulls out in front of us. So we were like oh heck that's destiny so we followed him...we lost him so we had to guess where to turn..yet we still found him again. Yes we felt very creepy. So we follow him until he turns, i thought he was trying to get away from us so we don't turn. And one my friends who LOVES Nick was like TURN!! so we turned in the next right and it turned out to be a parking lot so we parked. As we are sitting there in another car Garbo(jb's bass player) Alexander Noyes(Honor Society) and Jack Lawless(jb's drummer) get out. We go talk to them and get pictures and then the moment we were all waiting for Nick Jonas comes over! (His friend Maya was with him. She is very sweet.) And the first thing that he says was "Were you guys just outside my house?" ha ha I have never ever felt so creepy in my entire life until that moment! We kept apologizing for being creepy! But they were all very nice. ha ha So yes, dreams do come true!!